Saturday, March 23, 2013

Beauty In The Snow

This wonderful Second Empire home has long been one of my favourites in the city. It is located in the Weston neighbourhhood in the north-west part of the city far from my usual haunts but near where I grew up so I have been admiring it for a long time! Built in 1894, it is now historically designated so will remain true to its style on the outside at least. My grandmother's doctor lived and had his office here. There are many great old homes in this area and I plan to head up there for a photo tour when the weather improves (this pic was taken 2 weeks ago so some snow has melted since then).


  1. It is indeed a wonderful picture!

    Greetings from the Netherlands,

  2. It is a stunning building with great bones...looks solid and obviously was well-built. I must be your grandmother's age!

  3. Love the green and cream trim Pat, they sure knew how to build houses in those days, a style that survives time.

  4. This is a wonderful house and I love that fence all the way around the yard.

  5. Oh, it is beautiful! I love the older homes. They have so much character and I am happy to see that this one has a historical designation to protect its historical integrity.

  6. It is a beauty. Impressive that they painted the fence to match.

  7. This is such a charming house - and not at all what I think of when I think Toronto architecture :)

    I have been absent with the flu, but more seriously, I have tendinitis in my arm. I tried using my SLR and instantly regretted it, but I hope to get more photos with my lightweight point and shoot.

  8. It's a lovely house with great history !

  9. It certainly has style, and elegantly painted too, lovely.

  10. So much character to admire here, wonderful looking place!

  11. It's a grand old home and I'm glad the outside will forever remain the same.

  12. What a lovely house, the green fence is perfect!
    There is something on the top of the entrance, what is it?
