Thursday, March 7, 2013

Davisville Subway Yard

This yard at Davisville Ave in mid-town was the first subway yard in Toronto's system when it opened in 1954 and is now one of 3 with the largest one at Wilson Ave storing most of the subway cars on this line these days. It's still a fun place to watch the trains pass through since it is one of only a few spots where the trains come above ground and you also get a view of the yellow maintenance trains that work on the tracks in the off hours. The buildings on the right are located on Yonge St which is the main street here, starting at Lake Ontario and running north far out of the city.
I'm following Lowell's example and playing with the posterize tool here. (With a bit of tutoring from him!)


  1. Ha! You did good Pat, I remember the first time I saw one of Lowell's shots 'posturised' looks very effective and it does here on your train station also. Nice work.

  2. Lowell is giving lessons in Canada? It's eye catching.

  3. Love train stations of any sort. Great shot with the snow on the ground, interesting what the polarization does here.

  4. Nice effect, makes a striking image. See you are making good use of your time indoors!

  5. It's a grand picture and I'd like to see it not messed about with.

  6. I like the postrizing on this photo. It works for me.

    Did you know Yonge street goes through East Gwillimbury? ;))

  7. that bridge gives a great bird's eye view of the trains.
    Isn't it fun to experiment with posturizing and HDR-ing etc?!

  8. Superbe! Love this! Keep up the good work. Maybe I should take lessons from you! :)

  9. Following Lowell? Look out. You'll be heading for trouble. hahahahaha

  10. The effect made for a great shot.

  11. Nice shot. I love trains and rail yards. You are bound to have better weather soon, this snow can not hang on forever.

  12. Watching trains go by is always a relaxing way to spend some time, great shot and effect!

  13. Hi Pat,

    I was looking at this again and thought it would make a great wall hanging. A sight in Toronto that most people wouldn't see.

    Have a great day!
