Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Definitely Something Fishy

This is the building where I found yesterday's mural (far down along the right just out of the frame). This type of building which is totally in the laneway (no street frontage at all) between Queen St and Richmond St is super desirable here in Toronto both for residential and for commercial usage and they sell for big bucks in our expensive real estate market . I get the feeling that this one is all commercial and probably something creative, based on the decision to cover the whole facade in such a cool manner!


  1. oh, good lord, this was a bit unexpected (though looking again at the previous picture, it shouldn't have been)

  2. A tattooed building! Stunning!

  3. That would be like working inside an aquarium.

  4. That is one bright building!

  5. This is amazing how the mural covers the whole building.
    Pat your next mission should you accept... Will be for you and camera to make your way up onto the roof. I'm interested in seeing what is there:-)

  6. Great ;-))
    I like Andy's assignment!

  7. I love seeing your red shoes pop up from time to time. What amazing artwork...too cool! Thanks for visiting me in Coventry :).

  8. It is a pretty amazing place. If it is commercial, I hope their clients or customers are equally positive about the paint job.

  9. I wonder how long it took the artist to complete it.

  10. Yes, indeed!
    I would take so many pictures in this place! ;-)

  11. A real work of art!

  12. That would have been a work in progress for a while I bet Pat. Some coverage there. I'm going to have to google Capra now, by curiosity always gets the better of me :)

  13. This one and the previous just make me smile and smile!

  14. Overall, this is a bit overdone for my taste but I do like seeing it in bits and pieces.
