Sunday, April 21, 2013

Draper St

The south end of the Puente de Luz which I have shown the last few days takes you to all the modern condo towers while at the north end you will find this wonderful little street running off Front Street. Draper St consists of a block of mostly Empire-style cottages that were built in the 1880s and while all around them became an industrial area in the 20th century, this little street survived intact as a residential area. It has been designated as a Heritage Conservation District which means that the outsides of all the homes must remain as they are - no modern renovations will take place here.  I'll have to go back in summer when the street looks especially pretty and take some shots of individual homes. 


  1. Good shot! Has a pleasing look to the eye.

  2. Lovely. But I'll bet these beautiful places cost a fortune!

  3. I love this street and I'm please to hear that will be preserved this way. It's such a window into the past.

  4. They look like houses you might find here in the Netherlands as well. Great shot!

  5. Pretty street. Could be an upmarket Victorian terraced street in York.
    (Had a long weekend away, just catching up on comments & replied to your question about snickets).

  6. This must be the nicer end of the street :)

  7. Just think... this used to be the suburbs.

  8. It somehow reminds me of London.

  9. That's a very homely looking street, reminds me a lot of one or two streets I know well.

  10. These are cute, but they must be very small homes. Only two stories high.

  11. This street looks like it would be right in place in an English city Pat, looking forward to seeing them in summer.

  12. These a wonderful place! They have so much charm.
