Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ghosts Of Signs

I just spotted these ghosts of signs past recently even though I have passed by them hundreds of times. It is amazing that no one took them down years ago before the neighbours put up their awning or before that pipe was installed. I'm sure that the Coke collectors would have loved those top two!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. I always find it so weird that you can travel down a familiar route so many times without noticing certain things, I do it all the time also..and then when you spot them it's quite exciting! Well done on finding these three Pat.

  2. It's fun to find these old signs hanging around. I haven't seen any around here for a while.

  3. Wonderful looking old signs, it is a little odd that they were left in place while work was carried out all around them though!

  4. I don't like Coke, but I like these cool vintage signs! ;-)

  5. yeah that's weird..

  6. Well spotted, they look older than the wall!

  7. I too wonder why the signs weren't rescued.

  8. Some great vintage signs! I'd have to say the neighbor's awning looks a bit vintage, too, and appears to match the color in the Sprite sign. ;-)


  9. Where's the Canadian Pickers when you need them?

  10. Like old secret messages in newer worlds! Extraordinary how these signs seem tucked away!

  11. Nice find, those signs are kind of trapped by the conduit and awning.

  12. and it's a shame they weren't removed and displayed indoors before they got all rusted.

  13. p.s. I linked you - sorry about the confusion.

  14. They're probably quite valuable -- I know people collect Coca Cola memorabilia. I really want to get a picture of a ghost sign sometime.

  15. Yes it's great to discover signs like these.

  16. Great find. There is another blogger in Boise, She post things that I drive by everyday but had "never seen" until I see her post. I love old signs, to many of them have been defaced or stolen.
