Thursday, April 25, 2013

More Condos

These are even more condo towers from the CityPlace area where the wonderful pedestrian bridge and the art pieces that I have shown lately are to be found, although these are on the north side of the railyard just down Front St from Draper St and its old cottages. There is a lot of controversy over the number of towers being built in this area but construction seems to be continuing and more and more people are now living in this previously industrial space. Tomorrow I will give you a close-up of the wavy structure visible in the middle of the pic towards the bottom.


  1. I hope they at least have a view of the lake! I can't imagine what it would be like to live in one of those.

  2. i hope demand for housing at least keeps pace with the construction - but usually they never stay in sync.

  3. So many tall buildings! I bet those condos have fantastic views in all directions.

  4. I do recall some concern about the long term safety of floor to ceiling windows, and the sheer density of these towers.

    Excellent shot!

  5. The same happens here.
    It's the price of modern life. ;-)

  6. That is starting to look like a forest of towers.

  7. We have lived in several condos over the years - low-rise. These high-rise things don't appeal to me at all. They do appeal to Lois Anne, though! :) And they do provide an interesting skyline.

  8. They'd need to have great views to make up for the endless steel and glass

  9. I know up is the way to go these days Pat, I just know I couldn't live way up there, it's the height problem again :) Happy weekend.

  10. Lots of apartments, with spectacular views I imagine?!

  11. Toronto is really experiencing some growth. Personally, I don't think I would want to live in a high rise building like this, but I can see their appeal and they are MUCH nicer than many complexes I have seen. Good luck to Toronto.

  12. I guess I am way too much of a country girl to want to live in a condo. Obviously a LOT of people disagree with me or developers would stop building them.

  13. Having had passed by this wall of condos several times in the last few days, I found myself thinking of your shots, Pat, and the recent series from the footbridge around the area as well.
