Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Puente de Luz"

Part of the construction of the huge condo complex by the railway lines, where I have been showing you the sculptures lately, included the installation of this pedestrian bridge spanning the railway and giving the residents access to Front St. The bridge was designed by Chilean artist Francisco Gazitua and was finally completed in October 2012. Its name in English means Bridge of Light and I assume that it refers to the wonderful yellow colour. I love the sculptural elements at this north entrance to the bridge. And of course you see the ever-present CN Tower. More pics for the next couple of days.


  1. That's quite a construction Pat, I love that a sculpture has been included in the design and that it's painted in yellow, gives it a much more appealing look than basic steel. I'm sure I've seen the shape of the sculpture before, I just can't remember what it represents, hopefully someone after me might know.

  2. Gorgeous yellow. A friend and I went photo hunting in Toronto yesterday.

  3. There are quite a lot of tall buildings surrounding that bridge. This really is a huge complex. Are there that many people there to fill those buildings?

  4. Thank you - I have been wanting to see this bridge - and cross it for awhile now.

  5. What a project. I'll bet those condos don't come cheap, either. The bridge is superb. and I'm with you on the sculptural elements!

    Re your comment on Ocala: Actually, I was on my way to the auto dealer to get an oil change. But on Sunday the sky looking very much the same as I headed to the golf course! :)

  6. Quite a sculpture! I'll have to see it for myself sometime.

  7. It seems to fit right in with its surroundings. Fabulous

  8. And a perfect blue sky to match

  9. That feature looks like a mast.

  10. Looks like a stylish and trendy area.
    I like the bridge style too.
