Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Pilot

I thought I would show you the whole building where yesterday's door was found.  It is quite an unusual look for downtown Toronto but being a fan of corrugated metal I quite like it. The Flight Deck patio up top is not open full time yet but hopefully we soon will get some consistent warm weather!

Update: It is snowing here today so the Flight Deck is definitely closed!! Snow on April 11?!?


  1. I'd love to 'book a flight' here!

  2. I've never been in there but when I worked at Bay and Bloor the guys would hang out here.

  3. You're right. it doesn't look like downtown Toronto.

    FYI: So far it just looks dreary here - no snow YET!

  4. Is the flight deck also the smoker's lounge? It's snowing here too, with freezing rain due to arrive this evening.

  5. Definitely not 'flight deck' weather Pat, how mad is it that it's still snowing in the middle of April!!

  6. Wow, snow today! I can't even imagine. I can't believe how long the cold has been hanging on in so many places.

  7. Very creative place (snow or no snow) Love that the owner went out on a limb to create an interesting experience!

  8. Looks a fun place to visit, might be a bit noisy when it rains!

  9. Promoting Porter Airlines:-)

    PS: This spring sucks. It's going to warm up on Monday.... maybe.

  10. Pull in the chairs and batten down the hatches! Snow???? Now, I really feel sorry for you. But maybe that is a sign that you will have a nice warm summer!

  11. I really like this place!
    Keep warm! ;-)

  12. Looks like quite the spot.

    Yes, snow on the 11th of April. We're getting it here tomorrow.

  13. It's snowing in the mountains of CO too. Welcome to ,spring!

  14. It is a stylish look, RedPat. Frankly, snow on April 11 doesn't seem too unusual. When everyone declared it to be spring on March 1, I thought they were forgetting all previous experience with winter up north. (That is why I am in Florida now . . . )

  15. I love this industrial look. This reminds me of works by Charles Sheeler and Charles Demuth. Realistic and abstract at the same time.
