Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Black Elder

On a slightly rainy morning last week, I headed to a garden centre and happened upon this beauty in the parking lot. The colour combination is incredible (love that pink) and I was informed that it is a black elder bush, a variety that has become quite popular here. And I imagine you get elderberries in the fall! 


  1. It is a beauty, Pat. I don't think they grow here, though. Elderly people like me grow here, but not elderberry bushes. Of course I could be wrong. That's happened once or twice in my life. ;)

  2. Haha! That Lowell is so funny! This is a real showstopper type bush Pat, might have to make a note of that name and see if it's available here..
    P.s. can you even begin to imagine why anyone would want to sail around the world alone in a small boat, yeh right :)

  3. Amazing contrast! The flowers are lovely but the colour of the plant is fantastic.

  4. I don't suppose there could be any elderberry wine from these ones?
    It is a very pretty bush and I have seen quite a few without knowing what they were (so thank you!)

  5. I have one of these in the garden although it was sold under a much more exotic name, Black Lace or some-such! I always look forward to seeing it in flower, which is around beginning of July over here.

  6. Ah, so that's what it is. I've seen them here.

  7. Black and pink--a hip color combination.

  8. That is a very trendy looking bush, gorgeous colour combination... very striking!

  9. ... and wine soon after???????

  10. LOVE it. In fact, I have one...but it's still a baby and won't be this pretty for a few more years. :)
