Friday, June 14, 2013

Messenger At Hart House

This sculpture of Hermes, the Greek messenger god, is found in the quadrangle at Hart House and is slightly visible towards the centre of yesterday's pic. I can find no info on the artist but did find info on an etching of it done in 1920 so it was probably installed soon after the building opened in 1919. The patina gives us a good indication that it has been out there for a long time.


  1. Very interesting. Looks like he was wearing sandals from Walmart! But not much else. :)

  2. We will never know if he removed or put on his clothes when he made ​​the statue :))))
    Have a great weekend.
    a kiss

  3. I always thought of Hermes with winged sandals. This is an interesting interpretation.

  4. Looking good, considering he is approaching 100 years of age!

  5. Hi Pat! I had to laugh at your comment about the two off to find a canoe. Actually, the path they were on leads to the Silver River where there are canoes available to rent. :)

  6. Never stand behind a naked man putting his sandals on :)
