Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Playing In Traffic

Early on a Sunday morning is probably the only time you would want to be standing in the middle of Adelaide St taking pics as I was for this one. St Mary's Roman Catholic Church on Bathurst St makes a perfect terminus for the street. This Gothic Revival church was finished in 1905 and served for an Irish congregation then but now is a major centre for the Portuguese community in the city. I'll have to get a close-up on another Sunday morning!


  1. Magnificent church! I like the colourful taxi!

  2. Gorgeous architecture, I agree with Karen, what a colorful cab.

  3. nice scene, but do be careful! :)

  4. I frequently stand in the road to take pictures. So if post suddenly stop on my blog ...

  5. What a cool shot, I like the colourful cab, here they are all white, dull... ;-)

  6. Great perspective of such contrasting building.

  7. Great perspective of such contrasting building.

  8. I hope they close the tower is gorgeous :))
    A kiss.

  9. Brave shot! Lots going on and all very colourful, beautiful church too!

  10. Fun shot, glad there wasn't all 4 lanes of traffic coming at you!

  11. The church is quite beautiful. The photo is so well-composed - great symmetry. And that funky-looking cab gives the photo just the right punch!

  12. I'm glad you weren't playing in traffic! More than a few Toronto drivers...er...Ontario drivers think speed trumps caution. That church was built during horse-and-buggy days.

  13. You should pick a day with a festival - I am sure the Portuguese have lots of those.

  14. Be careful when standing on the road. After 42 years of driving transit vehicles I know you can not trust other drivers. Some of them have bad judgement.

  15. I couldn't imagine standing in this intersection! A great view on the church. I've always liked that one. :)

  16. Playing dodge the cars on a Sunday morning hey Pat, you like to live on the edge haha!. It was worth it though, I like the way the church is the 'full stop' at the end of the road. I wonder why the road is called Adelaide St..Australian connections?
