Monday, July 22, 2013

A New Mural

Another new mural, just completed this week in one of the older railway underpasses. I can't believe that I missed the artist in action on this one - I think I was a day late. The artist is Elicser whose work I have shown before - click the label below to see some of his pieces - and I would have loved to have met him. The underpass has a lot of large structural beams blocking the view of the piece so I will show it in a few stages - this is just heading into the underpass.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. I think I'm going to like this one!

  2. hmmm. looks like a child's book.

  3. It's very nice. I'm trying to figure out the significance or the meaning of this...

  4. And the paint was still fresh hey Pat, bad luck on missing the artist but well done for finding this fab mural!

  5. Looks fun! Is he hugging some local buildings?

  6. Funny looking chap, appears to be arranging things? Very colourful!

  7. He is a busy man this Elicser! Let's hope this doesn't get tagged before you've finished showing us the whole thing.

  8. Wonder if that is a self portrait? If so you will recognise him by the hat!

  9. It seems this guy (or this gnome?) loves the city the same way you do!
    I met Alan (London) last weekend and we talked about the many cool things you always find in Toronto! :)

  10. The city of Toronto is getting a lot of new murals. This one looks like it carries right on into the under pass.

  11. For some reason, it reminds me of Sydney Greenstreet in Casablanca.

  12. It looks like a dunce cap. I won't comment on that, no matter how tempting!

  13. A real pleasure to share here, these works of art!
    A kiss.

  14. I agree with Tex that this looks like an illustration in a kids' book.

  15. Yes, there's a whole story going on here and it's my guess that magic is somehow involved.
