Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Here It Is!

This wonderful sign/mural can be found on the side wall of the Cameron House, a small hotel/bar/community centre on Queen St W which has been a haven for artists and musicians since the 1980s, although it has been open since the 1920s. The sign was painted by Tom Dean, in 2010, who had lived at the Cameron in the early 80s and remembers sitting, drinking a beer, and watching the sun shine through the window one afternoon and thinking "This is Paradise". He had that phrase painted on the wall of his room and when the owners needed someone to paint a new mural, he got the job!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Beware always---
    Sometimes Hell can be lurking nearby.

  2. Perfect man for the job, great story!

  3. It's always good to know the motivation behind murals and signs..nice investigation work I mean Pat :)

  4. Everyone's idea of paradise is different! It sure brightens up the old building!

  5. Wow - who knew Paradise was so close. Love how he flipped it on the other side.

  6. Wow, that's very cool, the story behind it made me smile! :)

  7. Another scene of colourful Toronto. Keep on clicking and don't stop.

  8. Fascinating, even though it doesn't look like my idea of paradise. I mean, c'mon, where are the palm trees and the blue-green sea, and the frozen margaritas? :)

  9. Hmmmm.... I find myself wondering what inspired him to flipside it like that on the other side...

  10. Nice story! I love the colors and the saying!

  11. It is a fine thought. "This is Paradise." We all interpret Paradise in our own ways. What is your idea of Paradise, RedPat?

  12. Great story! I'd love to see the inside.


  13. Love the story! My idea of paradise, however, is more like Lowell's. :)

  14. It's not hard to see paradise when the sun is shining and you feel the heat on your skin and the breeze plays with you, I love the colours on this mural, thanks,,,M

  15. Hmmmm. Not my idea of paradise, but to each his own, as the saying goes.

  16. I'm pretty sure you out-cool us.
