Thursday, July 4, 2013

Little Factory

If you continue down the laneway from yesterday's post, you come upon the entrance to the cigar factory and to Uniq which is an entertainment group involved in organizing events. This type of small factory is one of my favourites and I only hope that it survives the condo invasion and with a little TLC, flourishes. 


  1. Its a lovely old building Pat, and a very pretty entrance..I suppose there's still a big call for cigars ?

  2. WIth a little TLC it would be grand!

  3. So, if I were to send you some money and ask you to buy me some Cuban cigars, you could walk in there and do it? Probably couldn't ship them to me in the States, though, right?

    Darn! I wouldn't smoke 'em but I could probably sell them at a nice profit! :))

  4. I don't like cigars, but I do hope these businesses survive. They add more than condos in my opinion!

  5. Sadly, much of the homey flavour of Old Toronto has been torn down. You start the petition to save this and I'll sign. :)

  6. Looks a wonderfully atmospheric area, let's hope the old and new can co-exist.

  7. Now that's a building with character!

  8. Such a charming building. I'm with you in hoping that it survives.

  9. You are explorer a part of Toronto that most people have not seen. Keep on exploring and clicking you camera.

  10. Just as characterful front as back!

  11. You are so right, the building is charming, it would be a shame to loose it to a condo conversion. They are never the same afterwards no matter how careful the architect is.

  12. I is always amazing to me when an old industrial plant manages to survive the urban sprawl. When I lived in Portland, we had a very large brewery right in the middle of downtown. (Portland is the largest city in Oregon)In the early hours of the morning, they would run rail cars through downtown to the brewery. About 10 years ago, urban sprawl won, the brewery is now gone replaced by million dollar condominiums.
