Saturday, July 13, 2013

Old & New

When you explore the laneways in the older parts of downtown you often come across scenes with huge contrasts of building styles such as this one where you can see new condos on Spadina Ave behind a rear view of an old hostel on King St W. I love the back of the hostel with its lush ivy growing against the red of the building!


  1. That ivy is great but, it appears someone has climbed the fire escape to do a little tagging.

  2. The contrasts of old and new and colour are excellent here! I love the ivy too!

  3. The green, green ivy goes perfectly with the red brickwork and fire escape!

  4. Love the green and red...and a bit of white. You could tight-crop this for a Christmas card.

  5. I also like this kind of contrast. And I like the ivy on buildings far away! (We had ivy growing on our previous house in Ocala that was very invasive and very difficult to remove! I tore off the paint and the stucco!) So sad that some dimwit had to climb up there to deface the property!

  6. I don't go into downtown Toronto very much but when I do I see a lot of this mixture of of old and new.

  7. I like the contrast of new and old Pat. good view :))
    Have a good Sunday.
    A kiss.

  8. Great contrast! Love the vine on the wall.

  9. I do too seeing the fire escapes also, I hardly ever see them here in Perth.

  10. Cool shot, RedPat. I love that the red building has a red fire escape.

  11. Such a great contrast, really makes one long for the older days, far prettier building
