Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Yellow Doors

I happened upon this place on King St W after being attracted to the bright yellow doors. The Weslodge sign over the doors probably shows up a lot better when lit up and at night but I bet most people just call it the place on King with the yellow doors - they are super! I haven't tried it out but it is billed as a saloon with good food and great atmosphere.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. The yellow doors seem very inviting.

  2. Oh you are so going to have to go through those doors at some point Pat, how can you resist, they're fabulous :)

  3. There is no missing those bright yellow doors.
    I fixed the "followers" gadget on my new blog. It looks like I originally added the wrong one.

  4. bright. so cheerful. i enjoy it! ( :

  5. Love the doors - super color. The sign looks interesting, too...maybe sometime when your out and about in the evening -- looking for good food and great atmosphere -- you could take a pic of it? :)

  6. I LOVE the yellow doors! And that's true about the sign....I was trying to figure out what it said! If it were in lights it would be so much better! ;)

  7. That is one blindingly bright doorway!

    Hope you weren't affected by the flooding! Where I live, at the border of Burlington and Oakville, we had only a few showers.

  8. What a lovely pop of bright yellow! Great capture of the reflections, too.

    ~Lindy @ Drive-By Photos

  9. Can't fail but to spot those, dazzling doors!

  10. Wow! My eyes popped wide open when the bright yellow doors came up on my screen.

  11. It makes me want to go in, no matter what the sign says. I love yellow!

  12. eye-catching door. does the sign say weslodge?

  13. They say "Welcome". I love cheery yellow doors.

  14. Can't beat a yellow door for instant IMPACT!

  15. Yellow is such a come-hither colour. My mum, bizarrely, believed that yellow doors attract flies so she wouldn't countenance them!

  16. Those bright yellow doors sure are eye catching. Fine for a business.

  17. Those doors act as a great sign by day and, I imagine add atmosphere to the lit sign by night!

  18. Wow, that's one bright door.

  19. I wouldn't have even noticed the sign! What fantastic doors. If you try it out, let us know. :)

  20. I love yellow ... makes things stand out.
