Monday, August 19, 2013

Friend On Your Shoulder

It's been a while since I posted one of UB5000's little yellow birds so I thought I should remedy that with this post of a very sweet-looking little guy that I found in a laneway along Queen St West. Just the kind you would like to have on your side!
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. I really do love that little yellow bird!

  2. He's a happy little yellow bird here :) fab find Pat.

  3. Whoever thought up the little yellow bird should be given a medal...what a great and happy sign it is on murals all over Toronto!

  4. Great to see one of the little yellow birds again!

  5. The yellow bird is getting lots of exposure in T.O.

  6. I do love those cute birdies! Thanks for the smile. :)

  7. That little yellow bird always makes me smile.

  8. I do wonder what UB5000 has in mind with these birds. Just to provoke a smile?

  9. Glad to see the bird, it's nice :))
    And the lovely mural.
    A kiss.

  10. Awe! How sweet. And the little bird is close enough to whisper something in the fellows ear so he can can say: a little birdie told me.

  11. It's so nice to see Yellow Bird again. He's a cheerful little guy who would be a nice companion to have on your shoulder. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.
