Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Let It Rain

Since Evergreen's mission is to promote sustainability, it isn't surprising that they have an abundance of rainbarrels/cisterns on the  Brick Works site and several of them have been painted by artists unknown. I checked all around on these 2 but could find no signature and I didn't want to trample the wildflowers growing around them. I would love to have a rainbarrel like these ones!


  1. They are so cute! I want a beaver barrel in my yard. :)

  2. Me too Pat, they can be such utilitarian structures, this takes them to a whole new level of fun!Fantastic find.

  3. The paintings here are cute embellishments for the rain barrels.

  4. Been checking back over your recent posts - this place looks wonderful, art and ecology are a great mix.

  5. Been checking back over your recent posts - this place looks wonderful, art and ecology are a great mix.

  6. What a great idea, can't be easy painting on a curved surface either!

  7. An owl and a beaver? Very creative and great fun!

    Re your comment on Ocala: We live about a block further down from where these girls were walking!

  8. What pretty ... I too would like Pat :))

  9. I would like a beaver in my garden. :))

  10. You hit a gold mine of murals at this site. The cute critters would make anyone smile. And Our Lady of Fatima brings a serious, spiritual tone to the area. Doesn't look like either one has been tagged, so they're generating respect. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  11. I'd love to have one of those too (although it wouldn't fit in either of our mini-yards). I love them both.
