Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Mayday Malone's, in the Seaton Village neighbourhood, is that rare find - a true neighbourhood pub with no pretensions, where everyone seems to know each other, knows your name and they are glad you came. Nothing fancy, but friendly and packed for most big sports events especially hockey and soccer! It looks nothing like the bar in "Cheers" but no one cares. 
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. That's the thing..if a place feels 'comfortable' and you feel relaxed..that's the place you want to be !

  2. I love places like this. I visited the real "Cheers" in Boston and it was actually nothing like the TV show either.

  3. Looks like a good place to call for a beer!

  4. I like the name!


  5. Mayday! Mayday! I'm going down! Down to Mayday's that is! Oh! Corny I know! Couldn't resist! Looks like a happening place!

  6. Those signs with bright red background, really stands out.

  7. These kind of places are much better than the franchise restaurants.
    PS: Thanks for let me know about the lack of picture on my blog. It should show up now.

  8. Sounds like a proper 'local' should.

  9. What a great name! That alone would pull me in off the street - plus the snazzy purple bicycle.

  10. It isn't much of a charmer, but a friendly bar? That is what bar denizens want.

  11. Sounds great...wish there were more just like this! It's tiresome when we travel to only find chain stuff...we try to seek out the local flavor!

  12. A place that doesn't cater to tourists or a certain crowd is usually more relaxed and fun for the neighbourhood. I assume Mayday Malone was a sports figure? (showing my ignorance, here!)

  13. This looks like a place where you can just be yourself!
    (sorry for my late visit....)
