Tuesday, September 10, 2013

For Sale On Queen St W

I really liked the look of this store which is occupying 2 side-by-side buildings on Queen St W and then I noticed the for-sale sign in the upper window. Apparently the store and the 2 apartments on the 2nd floor have been nicely upgraded and can be yours for $3.75 million! And this is not the expensive part of Queen St W - shows how crazy the real estate market is in Toronto especially downtown.


  1. WOW!!! Prices sure hiked up....now I'm sorry my parents sold a building on Queen St...around Augusta Ave. :-( about 20 years ago.

  2. a bargain! i do like the facade, though.

  3. Hmmmm....I'm thinking, I'm thinking....nope too much money for me.

  4. The black paint job works really well, and I know what you mean about property prices. Expensive!

  5. Handsome building, not sure it is $3.75M handsome though. For that I would want a couple of acres out front not a couple of planters!

  6. Great looking building, but a bit pricey!

  7. Can anyone advance me three million and change?

  8. Beautiful building and I like the large windows.

  9. geez. It would be cool to live there and just collect rent from the store downstairs. A nice life!
