Friday, October 18, 2013

Bootham Bar

I found out when visiting York that a Bar is actually a gate in the wall that once surrounded the old medieval part of the city and not a drinking establishment. This is Bootham Bar, one of the 4 main gates in the wall and its arch was constructed in the 1100s while most of it is from the 14th century. You can enter here and then go up onto a large section of the wall that still exists and which wraps around behind York Minster giving you a great view as you head over to Monk Bar. Those are 2 spires of the Minster visible over top of the brick buildings. 


  1. What a beautiful view from here. I didn't know that about the word "bar".

  2. How fantastic! Did you go through Pat ? From this little glimpse York Minster looks tres impressive!

  3. This is so incredible. It's hard to imagine a place that old still standing and in such good condition. I wonder if a bar is a bar in "New" York? :)

    What a great trip you had! Thanks for sharing these photos!

  4. thanks for the education! did not know that!

  5. I had no idea that bar could be another thing!
    Happy Weekend RedPat! ;-)

  6. An impressive structure and also well kept...

  7. To me it seems amazing to see such old, old structures with cars passing in front of them. Makes me feel like I'm in some sort of very strange time warp.

  8. Quite a trip you had. Aren't you glad you brought your camera? Or -- like me -- do you carry your camera everywhere?

  9. As a western Canadian, third generation born in BC, I am SO impressed by places built in the 1100s, or even in the 14th century...that arch is almost 1000 years old. The mind boggles.
    Gorgeous photo, with York Minster in the background. Thanks for sharing with us.

  10. Very original and can be up to it, to see the magnificent view!
    the link is del as famous Kio Towers in Madrid, I took from the other perspective that I liked :))

    I'm home.
    Have a great weekend.
    A kiss.

  11. Walking round the city walls at York is a lovely thing to do. Looks like you had a great time!

  12. Been there, might even have a photo of it

  13. Look on the top of the bar- see the figures- they are meant to frighten invaders into thinking there are guards on duty!
    Nice photo my part of the world.
