Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chapter House At York Minster

The Chapter House at York Minster in York is a large octagonal room built as a place for the governing body of the cathedral to hold meetings. This lovely light-filled space was completed in 1290 and it is filled with wonderful carvings and stained glass with the whole thing topped by this spectacular domed ceiling, done in the "Decorated Gothic" style popular at the time. The paintings on the ceiling date from 1795 but the ribs and bosses are original. York has been on my bucket list and it didn't disappoint!
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click here to see more religious buildings.
The November 1 theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "Heights."


  1. Super picture- like a child's kaleidoscope

  2. You could never be disappointed surrounded by so much history and sights like this Pat.. I loved York also.

  3. This is magnificent. What a gorgeous ceiling. I agree..a mathematician's dream. Beautiful colors.I bet there is nothing like this in my chapel in a house. Ye, I was dumbfounded when I saw that off the road and could;t wait to get back to take a photo of it...and then that dog scared me to death. It was NOT a very inviting area where he was living. genie

  4. You got THE shot in the Chapter House RedPat. Now did you lie on the floor, get a crick in your neck, or hold the camera out in front of you and hope for the best? I've seen people do all three ;)

  5. Gorgeous!!! It is so wonderful how these beautiful cathedrals have stood the test of time...time and again!!!

  6. This is incredibly beautiful and the fact that this dates back so far is hard for my wee brain to comprehend!

  7. i could stare that design for ages. i might not be able to keep my mind on what i was suppose too. ha. ha!!

    i wonder how they come up with the idea for the design of the church or other religious building? ( :

  8. This is an amazing ceiling in the dome! You did a wonderful job of photographing it.
    Thanks for visiting me and your nice comment.

  9. Marvelous, RedPat! I like the symmetry.

  10. Stunning! I love the details and symmetry. Thanks for sharing in InSPIREd Sunday.

  11. Beautiful photo!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  12. Such a marvelous photo, Pat. I especially loved the way you totally filled the "frame" with the beautiful image--if you get my meaning. :-) Such clean architecture.

  13. The amazing thing about about York's chapter house is that it's unsupported; amazing.

  14. I've been to York but not there. Amazing is all I can say

  15. Beautiful, is perfect and really cared!!!
