Saturday, October 12, 2013

Concrete Love

This little concrete robot is called a "Lovbot" and he is #77 of 100 that were created by artist Mathew Del Degan and some friends and helpers. Each of the 250 lb lovbots is to be placed in a different location around Toronto where an act of kindness has occurred and they hope to have a map on-line showing each location and the background story. I came across this wee guy at the Wychwood Barns but no story has been posted for it yet.


  1. Great idea!
    Your post made me smile RedPat. :)

  2. What a fun way to bring attention to random acts of kindness.

  3. This is kinda heavy! Love the Lovbots, though! What a great idea.

    BTW, I see where Glenn Beck is threatening to move to Canada. May God have mercy on your souls!

  4. They're kinda cute Pat, it's a good positive thing, we need to hear more about the good happenings in life instead of the bad all the time don't you think!

  5. (This isn't for me, but I am a curmudgeon.)

  6. I like the positive message of these Lovbots.
