Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kirkby Lonsdale

I showed you St Mary's Church from Kirkby Lonsdale, last Sunday, and thought I would give you a bit of an idea of the setting of this pretty small town in the south part of England's Lake District. The town sits at the top of a hill overlooking  a valley which has the River Lune running through it and has a super view of the hills rolling away in the distance. This small street is typical of the roads leading down to the river and shows the wonderful stone construction found throughout the town. It's a beautiful place!


  1. Yes, indeed!
    I'm glad you enjoyed your time in England. ;-)

  2. That's sort of my dream place. Possibly because I was once addicted to All Creatures Great and Small.

  3. Wow, this looks like the ideal English village just like the ones you see in the movies.

  4. An enchanting little village. It looks so serene and beautiful.

  5. Beautiful shot; I must see the Lake District for myself someday.

    I see in the paper that Toronto has their Nuit Blanche this weekend. Will you be in attendance?

    At the moment, I'm going through blog posts for our Nuit Blanche, a couple of weeks ago.

  6. Such a perfect English landscape, Pat. So beautiful.

  7. Looks to be a long climb the other way.

  8. It's hard to imagine a place like this ... so different than what you'd find in Florida. Lovely photo, too, Pat!

  9. It really is a beautiful little place!

  10. Woa, this is a steep descent! Very picturesque though:)

  11. The stone walls and buildings are a lovely contrast to the green grass and cloudy sky.

  12. What a wonderful view! I would love to be walking down this village road.

