Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bear Biplane

Back to the Santa Claus Parade pics - I have had a bit of flu and then a cold so haven't been out for many new pics the last couple of weeks. When you go down to see the floats before the parade, many of them are having work done to them and in this pic you can see a man busily working away on this one. I had just watched them attaching the end pieces to each wing on the plane as I assume the float was too wide to go through traffic to this starting line with them attached.


  1. Up, up and away:) I guess there's quite a bit of organising in getting the floats up and running Pat!

  2. Mind you, once bears figure out how to fly a plane, that's the end of the line for us. They'll be landing planes over the fences in every single food depot, grocery store, and other source of easy pickings they can get.

  3. I was a bumblebee in the Rose Parade, once.

  4. The man working away gives you an idea of just how big the floats are, very impressive!

  5. That is one big bear! Fun pic, hope you are feeling better soon Pat.

  6. What a brilliant float, I love the bear in the plane

  7. It's fun to catch some of the before-the-scene preparations, RedPat!

  8. The pilot bear. This I like, the cottages are great :))
