Thursday, December 19, 2013

Looong Bench In The Snow

This is just part of a long, 2-sided, serpentine bench that was installed in a local park to offer seating to park-goers but to also separate the playground from the rest of the park which is an off-leash area for dogs. So far the system seems to be working and it is much nicer than more fencing would be. There were no takers for a seat on Sunday morning though!


  1. No, that is not a good place to sit just at the moment.

  2. Nice photo but I can see why there were no takers, you could get a bit wet sitting on that lot.

  3. Super composition, Pat. And the snow just makes it better. It's an interesting way of partitioning an area for sure. But I can understand why folks might not sit around on the bench on the day you took the shot!

  4. very neat seating! well, not now, but...

  5. What a great, artistic, way to do a separation, looks like it is very, very cold in your neighborhood.

  6. Brrrr, even the dogs aren't around today!

  7. Your composition provides great patterns in the snow. Looks like it is quite cold out. Only a photographer would be in a park this time of year.

  8. White Christmas!
    Very nice winter shot.

  9. That is a pretty clever solution to the problem of unleashed dogs and those who do not appreciate them.

  10. Very creative use of the space... and no, you're not going to get anyone sitting under those conditions....

  11. Now that is a loooong bench indeed! :-)

  12. I approve of this fence/bench that has several uses. I think you may have more snow than we have! Freezing rain will likely change all that as we may get snow while you get rain. We'll see.

  13. The snow is so pretty! I can't believe it's still untouched. :)
