Thursday, January 30, 2014

A French Birdman

Digging around in my archives again, I have found this cool pic of a man feeding the wild sparrows outside Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris taken last September. We saw this fellow a few times in this area and it seemed that the birds were waiting there for him so it is a regular occurance. I've never seen wild birds be so brave before but they were sitting on his hand to eat seeds!


  1. Very cool pic. I've not seen sparrows come that close before, either. Gulls and crows, yes, but not sparrows. Paris is so fun 'cause you never know what you're going to see!

  2. That really is amazing. It reminded me of a man I saw feeding pigeons outside of Notre Dame. I caught a photo of him too.

  3. As long as it's sparrows and not pigeons, I don't mind!

    What a shame, I missed your visit to Paris, I was probably in the USA at the time...

  4. I wonder if they were sparrows. I frequent a conservation area in Whitby where the birds are so used to humans that they eagerly eat from human hands. It's a fabulous place to take children, a place to introduce them to the magic of nature.

  5. I can see that they are eating from his hand. But, I don't understand why the man does it.

  6. A wonderful portrait. I've seen gray jays do something like that, though they're too big to actually land on the hand.

  7. Thank you for your generous comments!

  8. I suppose if you come bearing food every day, the birds will eventually trust you enough.

  9. I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Details can be found here I hope you accept this award :)

  10. I agree I have never seen any birds doing that - fascinating

  11. What a great photo. Made me smile.

  12. Very beautiful shot. I too go with you. I also haven't seen birds taking their food from people's hands. Happy weekend!!

  13. Cheeky and very confident bunch of birds!

  14. While you were there at Nôtre Dame, did you see that small round piece of brass embedded in the pavement near the left most of the front doors as you face the cathedral?

    If you didn't know it was there, it would be very easy to miss because it is so small - and because there is usually an unaware tourist standing on it...

    It is the marker from which all distances in France are measured. It was placed there during Napoléan Bonaparte's rule. Had he not gotten himself so preoccupied with making war, he would have done much of the modernization of Paris and France that wound up being done by Napoléan III.

  15. And such sweet little birds they are too Pat.. can you imagine me doing that with my big galahs and corellas :)

  16. the birdman is really a great capture
