Saturday, January 11, 2014

Frosty Door

Those of you who live in warm climates won't be familiar with the frost that can form on windows and doors when it gets really cold, but this is a pic of the inside of my door taken on Monday morning when it was less than -25˚C outside with a windchill of -37˚C. This is normally clear glass and it took until Wednesday for this ice to all melt! Hopefully I will be able to get out this weekend for some pics if our forecasts are correct and we get a bit of sun and some +˚ weather. 


  1. It's raining today but I still can't get that deep freeze out of my mind.

  2. the old farmhouse i grew up in in wisconsin would get thick frosts on the inside of the windows. brrr...

  3. Pat, know all about frosted windows. On Monday even our double pane glass frosted over. Your photo is striking.

  4. Pat, know all about frosted windows. On Monday even our double pane glass frosted over. Your photo is striking.

  5. Had to get out my conversion machine and see what that was in Fahrenheit. Not as bad looking then. Yeah, who am I trying to kid?! I'd be dead.

  6. I can't even begin to imagine anything under the minus Pat. Cool :) shot!

  7. We've had only a bit of this on our windows, but I remember frost patterns well from my childhood, and I rather miss them. Bundled up warm and snug inside, looking at the world through a frost pattern was rather fun then.
    Enjoyed this very much.

  8. That is a great picture of the frost. I actually had 'frosted' windows that really look like frost patterns on them put in our house in memory of those. It has been a long time since the windows naturally frosted over like they used to.

  9. Inside, must have been cold to do that.

  10. Jack Frost used to visit the non central heated home I lived in as a kid. Not any more! Hope it thaws soon Pat.

  11. Well, it's warm today...but raining! And this morning it was very foggy. No frost, though. ;))

  12. We're still comparatively warm, but the temp dropped this evening in the fog. Most French people think that 4° C is Siberian...

    Absolutely love this shot. Did I mention I love winter? ;-)

  13. Frost does some amazing things. I've seen windows and doorways with that effect on them.

  14. I'm quite familiar with that look, though I now escape it for most of the winter by heading south.

  15. Fantastic! Wonderful to see... in photos! ;-)

  16. Artistic and nice!
    Well seen and well done!

  17. Artistic and nice!
    Well seen and well done!

  18. I know what the frost, down the street, you can not go: ((I hope the weather has improved!!
