Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Greenhouse In The Snow

I was out for a wander on a sunny day (finally) and passed by Spadina House which is a historic manor adjacent to Casa Loma and which is now owned by the city and is operated as a museum. The lovely old greenhouse looked particularly inviting as it glowed in the sunshine so I headed into the gardens for a pic. The greenhouse was built in 1913 as a place to winter over the outdoor plants from the house and also to start new seedlings, both of which uses continue today.  


  1. I used see greenhouses like this back in Illinois when I was growing up. There were big commercial ones that were kind of plain but then there were the private ones that were beautiful like this one.

  2. I love the curvature of lines, it's an elegant greenhouse! And a warming sight amid all that snow.

  3. With these greenhouses one can escape winter into a small piece of a tropical climate.

  4. Pretty as a picture, it really suits being surrounded by crisp white snow!

  5. This is all about 'thinking positive'.

  6. That's a gorgeous picture, Pat! Love the untrodden snow, the lines of the greenhouse and that blue, blue sky!

  7. Perfect snow shot! I miss Toronto, even if it's colder there. :)

  8. What a beautiful greenhouse. This is just the time of year when it should be put to use starting seeds for the coming spring and summer. Lovely photo.

  9. What a very lovely architectural design the greenhouse has Pat.. and then I saw the 'built in 1913' and that explained everything.

  10. This is a particularly fine looking greenhouse.

  11. I like the shape of this greenhouse. It's very attractive.

  12. With the snow it looks like a scene from a fairytale!

  13. I thought we were still in your back garden for a moment Pat! Elegant glasshouse.

  14. Yes, it certainly is elegant, and your photo does it justice, Pat. Good work!

  15. Nice greenhouse. It looks quite similar to one of the greenhouses in Elizabeth Park, which you see often in my summer posts.

  16. It is beautiful, Pat!
    Good Wednesdays.

  17. It looks so charming in the snow -- it has been way too long since we've visited a greenhouse (unless you count the whole state of Florida in the springtime ;>)!

    Is this one open for the public to tour?

  18. Would LOVE to have a greenhouse like that in our back yard! Very attractive!

