Sunday, February 16, 2014

St Denys, Walmgate

I'm back into my archives for this pic of a fine old church, St Denys, Walmgate in York Yorkshire, taken on my trip last fall. It is a very old church, built in the 14th & 15th centuries and was actually quite a bit larger but sections have collapsed through the centuries and its spire was hit by cannon shot during the Civil War and was then struck by lightening so had to be removed in the 18th century. The stained glass has survived and it has some of the oldest glass in York. It was a rather dull day when I was there and my pics of the glass didn't work unfortunately.
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click here for more religious buildings.


  1. i enjoy all bits & pieces of this beauty. the gate, the stone work, & the amazing windows. what a great place. happy weekend. ( :

  2. A fine little building it is that remains - it must have been glorious with its spire and the other sections intact! We'll let our imaginations show us the beauty of the stained glass... :-)

    «Louis» posted historic First Presbyterian, Napa, CA.

  3. i did wonder how old it was for north america. :) nice one from across the pond.

  4. I was about to comment, before I read your copy, that the church looked very English!

  5. A real survivor. Maybe some bright day you'll return to take pics of the stained glass.

  6. I was about to say the same thing as Geoff in Llandudno! It's a beauty!

  7. Too bad this church has suffered so much damage over the years, I like the shape of the windows even if we cannot actually see the glass.

  8. A familiar sight RedPat, it has a lovely old doorway doesn't it?

  9. I love old stone church buildings. It's quite amazing that it is still standing at all after what it's been through over the years.

    Don't apologize for this shot - it is very nice and is a worthy capture of this beautiful building.

  10. It's a beautiful church... very enduring.

  11. That was a very fine tale, RedPat. It is probably pretty uncommon for very old churches like this to have endured over the centuries without some stress and strain.

  12. Muy buena imagen.,...un abrazo desde Murcia...

  13. These old beauties are always a lovely sight!

  14. I thought it didn't look too Canadian! Lovely Norman doorway by the look of it?

  15. I like them, they are more intimate.
