Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Snow-covered Church

I took this pic a week and a half ago when we had what is hopefully our last snow of the season. This is St Anne's Anglican Church which is located across the street from the Cadbury factory I showed on Wednesday. The church was designed by architect Ford Howland and constructed in 1907-08 in a wonderful Byzantine style. The church is well known here in Toronto for its interior which was decorated in the 1920s by the Group of Seven, who are famous landscape artists from the 20s and 30s whose work can be found in many collections and museums. I find it unfortunate that most churches seem to be locked up now during the day but apparently there is a tour of the interior here every Sunday so I will try to get there one week.
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click here for more religious buildings.


  1. This is beautiful! Hopefully you are done with the snow by now. ;)

  2. gorgeous!! i love the roof color. so pretty. so glad you shared with us. ( :

  3. it is lovely! i like the dome roof.

  4. Was expecting it to be an Orthodox church.

  5. Might look right at home in Istanbul.

  6. I love the outside of this church and I look forward to seeing the inside one day.

  7. Gorgeous. It wouldn't surprise me if it turns up for Doors Open as well in the summer.

    The architecture reminds me of a church here.

  8. I like the architecture. And this trend of locking churches when there are no services seems to be inconsistent with their mission.

  9. I'll bet that dome is beautiful on the inside.

  10. Love the design, hopefully it's starting to warm up for you now?!

  11. I am assuming it is spectacular on the inside. So yes, please return and share you photos.

  12. It really is architecturally fabulous Pat, can only imagine how wonderful the inside will be ..

  13. The style doesn't say "Anglican" to me but it is a handsome building. Yes, it is a shame that so many churches are locked up now, isn't it?

  14. I hope the snow is no longer ;)

  15. I love all of the domes. Hope you are able to get interior shots soon. Thanks for sharing.
