Friday, May 23, 2014

A Horse Is A Horse

I could find no info on this building other than the fact that it was built in 1892 and has heritage designation, but I've always loved the detail work of the bricks especially around those 3rd floor windows. The Black Horse Pub has been here as long as I can remember and I imagine they are responsible for the horse head between the 2nd floor windows. This is on Bloor St W in the same area as the last 2 days, a stretch that is undergoing a change as a lot of small galleries and restaurants that have been priced out of Queen St W are moving up here. 


  1. I think I'd like Boor St W. The building is fascinating, but doth need a bit of pressure washing. I'm wondering if the Black Horse and EST are two separate establishments. Kind of strange to have two bars right next to each other like that.

    I like the sky reflections in those top windows, too.

  2. What a fabulous old building. I didn't even notice the horse head until you mentioned it!

  3. You are absolute correct about the brick work…works of art. The sports bar needs a different sign which is in keeping with the building; what they have now is pretty ugly and too contemporary for the facade.

  4. really neat old building! i like the name of the pub, too. :)

  5. That brick work is amazing. It would be fun to find it's history.

  6. Another up and coming neighbourhood no doubt.

  7. I agree with Kate. The sports bar sign takes away from the proper look of the building.

  8. I have been there before and I liked it. :)

  9. Fab building! Going to have to make a list of places to visit for my next trip to Toronto!

  10. The brickwork has a lot going for it.

  11. That's a really cool building. Did you go into the pub?

  12. The brick windows are beautiful. It has to be interesting and a little nostalgic for you to watch the neighborhoods as they change over time.

  13. Good detail of the horse's head.
    Happy weekend :)

  14. Interesting how galleries and restaurants improve a neighbourhood and then get priced out.

    I like the brickwork on this building too.

  15. I like the brickwork here also Pat and the horses head is brilliant :) I think the Black Horse will fit in with its future new 'trendy' neighbours totally !

  16. Love the façade, it's fantastic!

  17. The brickwork on the middle floor is nice, but similar to brickwork I have seen many places, but the brickwork on the top floor is unusual and dazzling. Love it!

  18. Love the horse's head poking through the wall!
