Monday, May 5, 2014


This is the wall of a hair salon and spa on St Clair Ave just across the road from the train mural that I showed you last Monday.  The wall had previously been blank and the salon hardly noticeable until this portrait appeared. And it has even been autographed!
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals from around the world.


  1. There is a Marilyn mural here in Phoenix too. It's a little different than this one but it's been on the same wall for at least 8 years. This one is very nice and perfect for the side of a salon.

  2. It's amazing how she still has star power.

  3. It would be hard not to notice the salon now. I love it!

  4. This is definitely eye-catching!

  5. Definitely has the bombshell thing going on.

    There's a jeweller here with a similar theme on a wall. I should take the shot sometime.

  6. It's easy to see how this would attract a lot of attention. But to my eye she looks more like a Marilyn impersonator. Such an icon. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  7. Very eye catching!

  8. Interesting that this doesn't really look like Marilyn Monroe but it's obvious that she is the inspiration for this mural.

  9. Soooo much better than a plain wall and perfect for a hairdressers.. Wonder how many come out blond and how many went in not even thinking about becoming blond :)

  10. I am going to start going to that salon . . .

  11. Interesting how someone long dead can suddenly appear and autograph a photograph. :) This is not a very good likeness of Marilyn, either. It's not a bad picture, it just doesn't look much like she did.

    Have a great day!

  12. Very nice portrait, to have him home!!!
