Saturday, July 26, 2014

Culture In the 'Hood

Last week was the occasion for the 3rd annual Porch View Dances in the Seaton Village neighbourhood where professional choreographers work with  several families to develop dances which are then performed on porches & front gardens over 4 evenings for the public. The event starts at 1 house and then a ringmaster leads the crowd (of about 200 the night I went) along the streets to the various locations. Just by coincidence when we got to this house there was another Little Free Library out front as well as live music to accompany the dance. I'll show you some performers tomorrow.


  1. Whoever lives here has a wonderful sense of community. They must be nice people. :)

  2. This kind of event is not something you'd see in most cities so kudos to Toronto! Can't imagine 200 people flocking around a front porch to see a dance presentation. Love that free library, too!

  3. Nice idea with the library. Good colourful image

  4. Oh wow, this is really a unique event. I think I'd love it.

  5. such a great city!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

  6. Such a lovely, colorful scene, with a musician and a little free library and a poster. Not missing much.

    I get the impression that Toronto is one of the most vibrant cities in the world these days. You are fortunate to be living there.

    (I messed up and posted tomorrow's post today, so you missed my photo of Eleanor, and yes, I showed Om Street Yoga two years ago . . . )

  7. That sounds like such fun, wow. I wonder if garden dances would work over here?

  8. I love these little libraries.

  9. I wish we had those little libraries here!

  10. Great community entertainment!

  11. I'd check this place out. Very appealing environment.

  12. Wow I've never heard of this before Pat, I get the feeling that your area is very community spirited, wonderful to see in these times.

  13. A truly great idea, must be a fun time visiting all these places to hear music.
