Saturday, September 6, 2014

"Meeting Place"

I have shown a couple of pieces by sculptor Kosso Eloul but have never been able to get a good shot of this one located at Church St & Bloor St since there is usually so much car traffic and pedestrian traffic on this very busy corner. But during Open Streets TO, Bloor St was closed so I stood in the middle of the road early on a Sunday morning when the office building behind was empty. Eloul has more than 40 pieces scattered about the city so I will have to get out and find some more of them.


  1. How great that you have finally gotten to take a photo of this without traffic in the way!

  2. Looks like an interesting place to arrange a meeting. In Chicago the downtown meeting place was under the Marshall Field's clock on State Street, but that was before cell phones.

  3. Kind of fun how it frames the entrance.

  4. i'd find it disconcerting to walk under those tipping pillars to enter the building. :)

  5. I like this one, it's defying gravity.

  6. Glad you managed to take this shot, I love it!

  7. You timed it right in capturing this interesting sculpture. Great shot!

  8. I think it is really cool. I saw it while in Toronto.

  9. It's wonderful you got the opportunity to take this picture. I don't know if I could walk under those pillars either, but I like the piece!

  10. I might be a wee bit nervous walking under it to get into the office building.

  11. I like that. It really adds to the architecture.

  12. Wow! 40 pieces? Does he work for the city?

  13. Gosh these are BIG pieces Sharon, very impressive.. would love to see some of his other work. Nice when you don't have to dodge traffic hey :)

  14. Good and strong sculpture. An original entry !!!
