Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fort York

This sign marks the entrance to the newly completed visitor centre at Fort York which is located right in downtown Toronto. The fort was built in 1793 but is most famous for defending the city during the War Of 1812 and has Canada's largest collection of buildings from that time. I'll show you a few pics of the visitor centre over the next few days.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. I suppose you could say it's your Tower of London

  2. You know everything about your city, don't you? :)

  3. Fine to see these historic sites honored and preserved, even if the British lost the war of 1812. Good sign.

  4. I think I'd enjoy Ft. York very much. The War of 1812 has always intrigued me...and what would have happened if things had turned out differently? Fascinating stuff.

    This is a very nicely-composed photo!

  5. I'm with Lowell, this should be interesting.

  6. I look forward to seeing your photos of Fort York. I haven't been there in a long, long time.

  7. Nice sign. I'm glad they have a visitor's center - I remember there wasn't much info when I visited. Love the line up of pole thingies too!

  8. You can be sure those of us who live near Washington, D.C. don't take the War of 1812 for granted. :-)

  9. That's a very elegant looking sign... and photograph.

  10. Such a great way to learn history. I love visiting places like this.

  11. lovely surroundings for an important center of your history!

  12. I am guilty of being a local and have never been there. One of these days?

  13. Nice in red, it must stand out in the snow! Looking forward to seeing your pics!

  14. It's been years since I've been there. I must take exception with Taken For Granted's remarks, though. Our side won.

  15. One day I would like to see it..

  16. Living along the south shore of Lake Ontario we both share a lot of history of the War of 1812. It's interesting how this period of is viewed wether you are looking north or south. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  17. I also take issue with Taken for Granted comment about who won. It was a draw, no?!

    Good to see the old Fort standing out for a change.

  18. I like how you use the posts to lead you into the shot. Very nice

  19. Looking forward to seeing what the 'new' Fort York looks like. It was rather bland and uninspiring the few times I've been there.

  20. Will be interesting when you get some images of the Fort York.

  21. I am not familiar with Fort York. The War of 1812 is one of those historic events that most Americans could not explain. Personally, I can't go more than two sentences deep into a discussion of that war.

    I don't quarrel with the idea of prohibiting photography during performances, but, like you, I don't see the logic in prohibiting it before the performance begins.

  22. Interesting how the sign from this perspectuve looks like some old tome.
