Saturday, November 1, 2014

Theme Day - Landmark

The November theme day for the City Daily Photo bloggers community is "Landmark" and there was really no option for me other than the CN Tower. The tower was completed in 1976 and since then it has been a common sight all over the city, peeking from behind different structures wherever you are. In this pic it is framed between some of the condo towers of CityPlace and one of the sculptures marking the entrance to the Puente de Luz which is a pedestrian bridge across the downtown railway tracks. I have shown the tower many times as you can see if you click on the label below.
Taking part in the November Theme. Click HERE to see more landmarks from around the world.


  1. The bridge looks as interesting as the tower.

  2. Been to the top a couple of times. What a view of your city. So cool to look down and watch the Blue Jays playing.

  3. very nice! i like the sculpture and the tower, too.

  4. You are so right about the CN Tower. It does pop into one's mind when you think of Toronto. I love the way you've framed this photo. Years ago, I went to the top on a visit to your city. But, I think I'll pass on that new experience of walking on the outside of the tower.

  5. I wondered if this might be your choice. Great perspective shot for the tower!

  6. interesting tower I like it so much

  7. Impressive sculpture, can't say I know what it is, but impressive definitely.

  8. Interesting prospective. That glass floor is freakishly cool.

  9. When one sees the CN Tower there is no mistaken where you are. Every time I go to Toronto the tower is calling out to me to take it's picture. Of course I always obey.

  10. I think that's definitely the most iconic landmark in Toronto. Nice view of it here. I think I've been in that area before. :)

  11. I love the tower from this angle.

  12. Inviting walkway and super to have a look (via the link) at other shots you have shared of the CN Tower.

  13. Great shot with the CN Tower in the background.

  14. I like how you captured this with the bridge.

  15. This is a truly unique perspective! Well done.

  16. a lot of interesting architecture to see!

  17. This is an unusual way to show the tower. After a while, you probably have the same problem as Parisians and the Eiffel Tower and St. Louisans and the Arch. How do you show a well known icon in a fresh way. I think you did it.

  18. I agree with Jack. To show the tower framed in sculpture is quite an artistic approach to this month's theme. Bravo!


  19. To me, it looks like you are using whatever it is in the foreground to measure the CN Tower! Nice picture!!

  20. Beautiful pic with a great composition, very well done!

  21. The sculpture takes all the plaudits for mine. I love the way you have designed this shot. Wonderful. Even though it looks like the symbol for Russia.

  22. Preciosa, con ese cielo azul de fondo Pat!!
    Buen domingo:))

  23. For sure I would have chosen the CN Tower if I lived in Toronto.:))

  24. I love the way you framed this with that beautiful sculpture!

  25. I've been up that a few times, very iconic!

  26. I like the way you shot this! I have always wanted to visit the CN Tower. That is a beautiful looking sky too!

  27. neat sculpture! it looks like a functional part of the city!
