Friday, February 6, 2015

Fish On Friday

Fish and chips will always mean that it must be Friday to me since growing up when we could eat no meat on Fridays. A new chippy, the Sea Witch, has opened here and I finally tried it a couple of weeks ago - it was delicious but so filling! And really popular judging by the crowds.


  1. In the past we did n't eat meat on Fridays now in Poland this custom has disappeared.

  2. I would like this place very much. We don't have anything like it here in Ocala. We had a Long John Silver's on the east side of town but I think it went out of bizness! Darn!

  3. I, too, love fish, of all kinds. Grew up first on the shores of Lake Michigan in a small fishing town (at the time) and later a bit inland. Always loved fish boils. Recently found a bar/restaurant in town that serves fish and chips, which according to a patron formerly from the UK says is authentic and the real deal. I definitely would frequent this place in your photo.

  4. I haven;t had fish and chips for AGES... I may need to rectify that soon!

  5. Some people think fish and chips is something easy to make but, I've had some that was awful and some that was very, very good. Glad to hear this one is good.

  6. Maybe I need to find a good pub here in Berlin. Fish and chips sounds good tonight.

  7. I live in a sea city, but I am not so fond of fish usually, but fish and chips is another thing!

  8. Friday IS fish & chip day, no doubt about that!

  9. I'd heard of the notion of not having meat on Fridays, but I guess for us it didn't apply.

  10. down here, fish fries mean catfish (almost always) and i'm not a fan. miss a good ol' northern beer-battered cod fish fry!

  11. Brings back my school days too. So if it wasn't fish only what other food could be used? Well- It was usually Mac and Cheese day and it was a horrible idea of Mac and Cheese. I din't care for our fish either. I'm still wondering if it really was Fish!

  12. Hmm, makes me wonder what to fix for tonight.

  13. Nice shot Pat. I grew up as a Protestant but every Friday night we got ours's from Duckworth's Fish & Chips on the Danforth.

  14. Now I want fish & chips!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  15. Just come home...hungry. Could do with that right now.

  16. Ditto what Aimee said.. Mmmm! fish and chips.. is there anyone who doesn't enjoy chish and fips :)

  17. We were the same back then. I still do the no meat on Fridays sometimes.
