Thursday, March 5, 2015

Strong Fence

This house with its turret is directly across the road from Casa Loma and the very substantial fence always has me wondering whether there is some connection to the Casa since it sits between it and the stables belonging to Casa Loma. The towers just visible over the middle section of the fence belong to the stables which are connected to the main building by a long underground tunnel. I took this pic of the fence and retaining wall in January before we got any snow and before it turned extremely cold!
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. Very solid looking, suits the property perfectly!

  2. I think you may be right Pat, it does look as if it is part of Casa Loma, maybe a residence.. of the owners perhaps?

  3. Strong, and so beautiful too. I can imagine once the weather begins to improve and nature begins to grow again, it's really going to look even better there!

  4. We one almost exactly like this, not far from where I live!

  5. An impressive wall, and quite a lovely house!

  6. neat! thanks for linking in when you get a chance!

  7. Beautiful fence. The greenery that grows on that solid fence in the warmer temperatures must look so pretty.

  8. Meant to stand the test of time, I think.

  9. That is a nice strong fence and I like the gate. I always enjoy seeing a turret too.

  10. This is a beautiful and looooong lasting fence :) And it won't rust or has to be painted. ;)
    Have a beautiful day

  11. This fence is strong enough to keep anything in... or out.

  12. I'll bet this looks nice in the Spring.

  13. It is kind of unusual that the vines seems to stay almost entirely on the balustrade part of the wall. I wonder why.

  14. Looks like a lovely property behind that stone fence.

  15. It looks like a grand place, great fence shot. Have a happy day!

  16. In the spring will be beautiful. For here it is already coming;))

  17. Amazing there's a tunnel between the two places. I wonder why the tunnel. Hmmm.
