Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Rooftop View

During the Doors Open event here a couple of weeks ago I toured a few buildings at U of Toronto and one of them was the Lassonde Mining Building on College St. The building has recently had an addition put onto its attic space and this pic was taken from there looking across the front campus towards the long University College on the right and the green copper dome of Convocation Hall on the left. All of the buildings visible in this shot are part of the university and I just liked the view! The white tent visible on the grass in the middle is set up for the graduation ceremonies taking place now.


  1. An interesting view with many different kinds of roofs...

  2. Pretty expansive campus seen from above.

  3. Always great to see elevated views!

  4. I love that old church (of church-like building) in the distance. I can't help but think it would look better without all the more modern buildings around it.

  5. the view from the top is typical for big city

  6. That's a great viewpoint. Lots of interesting rooftops!

  7. For a minute I thought that was a London building! Love the view here!

  8. I wish I had been there! What a grand view!

  9. Nice to see the old left in with the new.

  10. Did you matriculate at the U of Toronto? I wish I had had the chance! It's a truly magnificent campus!

  11. I really enjoy these rich colors in this lovely view!

  12. Toronto is fortunate to have the presence of a major university within the city. The University of Connecticut is in farmlands about 45 minutes outside Hartford. They are starting to move a few functions into the city, but progress is small and slow. Universities and cities are good for each other.

  13. Nice view of that church in the distance.

  14. Love rooftop views Pat, gosh the campus area is huge, bit like our UWA campus here.

  15. Beautiful view ..l I like it too! Glad you took advantage of those open doors!
