Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Meet You At The Sign

I stood for a while trying to get an unobscured pic of this sign on King St for the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) but had no luck since it seems to be the place where people meet up with their friends and there was also a steady flow of people on the sidewalk. This was the 40th year for the festival which ran for 11 days in mid September, showing around 400 films to over 450,000 moviegoers. The city is alive with movies and actors for that time period and many people take their holidays to see as many movies as possible. A friend saw 34 movies this year at the festival! Check out the guy at the right of the pic - I hope he made some money.


  1. Sometime it is so hard to get the shot we want. This is a very nice sign.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 34 movies! Oh my your friend was keen Pat :) Did you see any stars on your travels about town? I hope the shirtless young busker can sing, if Toronto is anything like Perth buskers have to have talent as well as muscles to earn a dollar or two :)

  4. 34 movies is quite a lot. Your friend should let us all know what to be on the lookout for. Which ones not to miss and which ones to avoid.

  5. You probably would have created a 'tiff' had you asked them all to move. Ha.

  6. At least he's stood in the best place to maximise his chances of making money!

  7. Having people involved with a colorful sign like that can add some vitality. Amsterdam has a big sign and I have a few fun photos of people having gun around the sign.

    Thanks for your visits while I was in France. Sorry that I was unable to visit your blog while I was away. Free time was scarce and the internet access was terrible!

  8. My son was a fan. He took in 3 movies a day. Too many for.

  9. What a great even this must be. And the sign, which is quite attractive, is the perfect place for people to meet friends. Re the guy on the right - that's a hard way to make a living!

  10. I bet he did, even if the folks pictured seem to be ignoring everything around them! A great spot to meet it seems. Nice color too.

  11. I like it with all the people. It's more "realistic". :)

  12. Looks like he could use a meal or two.

  13. There was a time I was capable to watch three movies in a single day, but now it is more a couple im a week...

  14. Such a prominent sign that it would be a good place to arrange to meet - but presumably only during the festival.

  15. I do like the red letters and the guy on the right needs a shirt!

  16. Neat sign. I know of someone that likes to see many many movies in that short span of time in Vancouver when the film festival happens there. It does not appeal to me.

  17. Vibrant scene!



  18. Hmmm. 34 movies is a LOT of movies! How frustrating for you to try and get a photo of the sign without people in front of it!

  19. Uuufff, a lot of films for me !!
