Saturday, November 28, 2015

Autumn In The Park

I still have a few pics from autumn which I like and this one was taken as I wandered through Queen's Park a couple of weeks ago when I took the pic of Edward Vll on his horse. It was a glorious sunny day and the trees were casting such wonderful shadows onto the leaf-coverd grass. This park is basically a circle with lots of vehicular traffic moving around the outside of it but you tend to forget that when you are there among the trees. And interestingly it seems that all the trees have been tagged with small identity cards which made it fun to explore. 


  1. Sweet place!

    Warm ALOHA,


  2. I think I'd love wandering around here among the trees especially during the fall. I can almost hear the crunch of those leaves under foot.

  3. A lovely autumn park scene! Very mellow light!

  4. A fine photo. I love the variety of colors in the sky and the leaves, the shadows, and in the trees. Well done! Another nice park in Toronto!

  5. Autumn at its best in a very nice photo!

  6. I"m still enjoying some of my fall photos, too, RedPat.

  7. Looks like one of the last pleasant, colorful fall days in the park. Soon everything will be white.

  8. I thought that looked like Queen's Park! For a year we lived east of there, and i was at UofT, so i walked through there regularly.

  9. Hi again...I was so sorry to hear about your father...I hope it isn't too serious. We'll be thinking of you and hope that this will be resolved soon.

  10. It is beautiful with those rays of sunshine !!!
    I wish your father better, Pat
    Good Sunday ;)

  11. Lovely remembrance of what fall was like! It's beginning to recede quickly into the past.

  12. I like the light in this shot. I hope the medical issue with your father can be smoothly resolved.

  13. A lovely autumn scene with nice colours !

  14. Peaceful view just as pleasant to see in photos too!
