Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why Did The Geese Cross The Road?

I watched a flock of Canada Geese slowly walk across the road in James Gardens a couple of weeks ago. They stayed on the other side for about 10 minutes and then they all walked back to their original place!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I guess they had to try out the other side, discovered it was no better so went back to where they's come from. ;)

  2. They are funny critters. No telling what they'll do next. Well, except for leaving evidence of their passing by. :)

  3. So cute! The background is beautiful!

  4. Looks like they were just stretching their legs!

  5. They picked a pretty spot to stop for your photo, right in front of the colorful flowers. Great shot of the geese. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  6. Lol, they don't know their mind! :-)

  7. Maybe they figured that the grass was greener over there...and it wasn't!!

  8. The grass likely wasn't greener on the other side. Great capture of the geese with the colourful flowers in the background.

  9. They crossed the road just to show the squirrels that it can be done.

  10. They look great against the backdrop of those colorful flowers.

  11. Our geese flew south about a month ago. Not many birds left in these parts these days. Good to see some geese.

  12. They want to make sure their "mess" is evenly distributed. ;-)

  13. Haha! Made me smile Pat, they must be Libra ducks, can't make up their minds :)

  14. Maybe they crossed "to see what was on the other side" and once they saw it, decided they liked the first side better! :-)

  15. Sometimes they really do just keeping moving back and forth! From here to there and back again! They're playing, Follow the leader!
