Saturday, December 26, 2015


The Three Little Pigs seem to make an appearance every year at the Santa Claus Parade and this year they had nice warm sun to work in. Construction seems to have been going well at this point before the wolf arrived!


  1. I did not realize the Three Little Pigs used power tools in their construction projects. Just goes to show what I know.

  2. Those pigs are very crafty with their power tools and all. Another cute float.

  3. I'm outraged, just outraged, and kinda mad, too. I mean, really! How can they take this precious paean to moral courage and re-arrange it to suit their modern sensibilities. This isn't the story that was read to me back in the Stone Age when I was a child. Papa Pig would be mucking up mud for bricks of straw, not using an electric drill.

    I'm just plain outraged and I'm going on FAUX News to tell the world! It's probably part of the war on Christmas.

  4. The Wolf needs to step up his game. Maybe use dynamite. Or hire a hit-ferret.

  5. This sure doesn't look like the kind of winter weather I expect up in Toronto!

  6. Was so excited in the school days when wer read this story - Huff and Puff and ......

  7. Little Pig, Little Pig, let me come in!

    Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin!
