Sunday, December 13, 2015

Distant Skyline

This shot was taken from a 12th floor room in the north end of the city about 10 miles from the downtown skyline. The sun had come out for a few minutes just enough to highlight the steam from the downtown towers but the top of the CNTower is still in the clouds.
My dad is still in the hospital and so I have been unable to visit any blogs much. The shot was taken from his room.


  1. I like this a lot even though it is a bit eerie. Hmm...maybe that's why I like it. Sorry about your dad. Hope that he's recovering and will be home soon!

  2. Hope he has a speedy recovery. A hug from Spain.

  3. it is a neat shot. hoping he improves!

  4. That is quite a view and I kind of like the moody looking sky to go with it. I'm hoping your dad is on the mend. I'm sure he would rather not be there.

  5. Wonderful atmospheric city shot, P. Don't forget to care for yourself

    Warm ALOHA,
    ><3 3 3('>

  6. An impressive skyline... Take care of your dad!

  7. Oh I'm so sorry, I had missed that your Dad was unwell. Hope he gets better really soon.

  8. lovely view. Greetings for your dad from Poland

  9. Sorry your father is having to spend this time in the hospital. Nice skyline pic, though.

  10. T.O.'s skyline is looking good.
    Take care and look after Dad.

  11. I thought you were quiet! Hope very much that your Dad will make a good recovery and soon be out of hospital. Amazing view though.

  12. This is a great shot of the skyline. Cloudia is right....don't forget to tend to yourself, during this time.

  13. All that steam makes the city skyline look really cold. Sorry to hear about your Dad. Hope he recovers quickly. Best wishes go you way.

  14. I've been thinking about you and your Dad, RedPat. I hope things improve soon. Love this look at the skyline. The sun is just managing to peek through.

  15. Looks a sight better than it did in the UK Sunday

  16. Lovely view, actually. Hope your dad is improving, RedPat!

  17. Here's hoping for a quick recovery for your dad.

  18. So sorry to hear about your dad, I wish him well. That's some view and it's a very nice picture...

  19. North York General Hospital perhaps? A city skyline view I've grown up with and is part of my psyche,(though I recently moved further north).My mother was just in there too till she left for a better world

  20. Fantastic, Pat. I hope your father recover soon ♥ ♥;)

  21. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. Wish him all the best. Quite a view from his room though.
