Friday, December 4, 2015

Philosopher's Walk In Fall

If you walk through the opening beside yesterday's gate you enter Philosopher's Walk and this is a shot from half way down the walk looking back up to the entrance on Bloor St. The walk follows the route of the now buried Taddle Creek as it winds its way through the U Of Toronto campus between the Faculty of Music and Trinity College. I showed you a pic of the walk when the trees were green back in September of 2010 (HERE). And yet more condos are under construction as you can see by the crane!


  1. I would walk there even if I didn't philosophize! I'll bet those condos are pricey!

  2. It's a pretty place to walk in summer or fall. Speaking of condos, my friend who is now working from Toronto just recently moved to a new condo tower where he has a gorgeous view of the Lake. His real home is Chicago so his place in Toronto is just a tiny place but it sure looks nice from the photos he's posted on Facebook.

  3. Looks wonderful. But how do we know it's real?

  4. Amazing to think there was water here under Philosopher's Walk, love that name :) Another case of Perth and Toronto being similar, so many new apartments being built. Love this autumn view but but when the trees were green, very lovely too.

  5. Beautiful against that sky. I've walked that path on occasion.

  6. Lovely fall photo with all the color. The crane is just a compositional bonus.

  7. Giant mechanical monster in the background. :-)

  8. Philosopher's Walk was one of the first places i ever visited in Toronto. My parents would take us to Toronto once a year to see the Santa Claus parade, and we'd stay in the Park Plaza across the street. So of course the ROM and Philosopher's Walk are among my first Toronto memories. I must have been 8 or 10.

  9. It looks inviting in both seasons. I can't get over how big the building spree is in Toronto.
