Tuesday, January 26, 2016


This large painting can be found above the fireplace in the lounge of the Vet's Centre at Sunnybrook. The artist has used a lot of license with the poppies at the bottom leading to farmland and an inland lighthouse but I like it and it certainly lights up the room!


  1. that is SO cool! love the vertical stretch of it!

  2. A bit unreal, quite sad, and really moving!

  3. I like it too! I can't get over how big it is.

  4. The poppies make it ideal for its location.

  5. Oh I love the poppies and red barn!!

  6. Really lovely. I like the vertical framing of it and how it leads your eye into the distance.

  7. Well, I say ok. The poppies are so important to the Canadians that served and died by the thousands in WWI that I can understand why he would put them and the gravestones in them. I went to many cemeteries in France and Belgium, and in Belgium, in particular, I think the Canadians way outnumbered the rest of the lives lost. I do not think Americans have a clue to what your people did for us. They are way too young. I am one of the few left who had a WWI veteran as my father. If I were a Canadian veteran, I would want to go here.

  8. It would be interesting to get the artist's take on this work. Perhaps the poppies and gravestones placed up front indicate that they represent the sacrifice of people in all parts of the country. I like the painting very much!

  9. Probably a vet artist - and I like it too

  10. Whoa! That fireplace nearly disappears underneath all that.

  11. I love the perspective of this painting and those poppies.

  12. I love the scale of it. And the motifs do light up the room!

  13. The colours are so lovely on this one Pat, the reds and greens always work well. What a lovely work for the vets office.
