Monday, January 11, 2016


This is the next section of the mural which I started to show you last week. The polar bears have evolved into a brown bear wandering in a lush forest but there seems to be a strange orb rising from the water! You can see some of the scary bits starting to surface now. Great work by Shalak Attack, Smoky, and Fiya. There is always a lot of traffic here so pardon the vehicle
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. that is a very alien orb rising from the water. It somehow reminds me of as scene from "Star Wars".

  2. Oh yes this is way more deep and dark than last week Pat.. but I guess when you think about it that is actually the way the world seems to be going.. cheerful aren't I :)

  3. Oh, that's some mural! Well caught!

  4. It's a very detailed piece of artwork - quite surreal kind of art - hope no drivers are distracted by it!

  5. A very mystical style forest, I like it! We CDP bloggers should be allowed to block traffic in order to take our pics!

  6. These murals seem to be getting bigger and bigger.

  7. Very interesting. I sure wish we could talk with the artists of these things to determine what their art is all about! :)

  8. Looks like something out of Star Wars.

  9. This would distract me as I drove eyes wander.

  10. Very interesting to see a mural evolve! A bit scary looking, though.

  11. That orb looks like a futuristic octopus in the water. I love it so far. Cant imagine what is going to appear to be so scary. Guess I will have to wait til next week.

  12. A sci-fi nightmare illustrated by street artists. Or a comment on the future of climate change? Either way, pulls you into the experience. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.
