Friday, February 12, 2016

Spadina Grounds In Winter

These are the grounds with no snow which is so unusual for us in winter. Yesterday I showed you the front of Spadina House and this pic was taken from the back side of the building as I wandered about enjoying the sunshine. If that bench had been in the sun I could have sat for a while but it was chilly in the shade!


  1. That room on the right looks like what we would call a "Florida sunroom." It does seem strange that you have no snow at the moment. That will probably change, though, right?

  2. Beautiful place! I could sit there too....only if it's in the sun.

  3. You can tell from the colour of the sky that it's really chilly Pat. Love those days though because you can get out and about. Hope it stays fine for your weekend!

  4. The grounds are quite appealing, but you need snow!

  5. Very inviting and just look at that window!

  6. A great pic. I love the clouds, they are such an unusual shape

  7. looks like spring. In My place we have snow only 5 days this winter. Now we have early spring. Climate has changed here forever

  8. We're getting a little more of your white stuff tonight, I think.

  9. What a beautiful house. I love the stone wall and urns in the previous post and this back yard is wonderful. Looks like they have a nice sunroom back there too!

  10. Glad you are enjoying some sun as am I

  11. Fine photo. It looks more like early spring than winter. Snow? You haven't had much this winter. Perhaps it is still on the way to you?

  12. It's lovely, and something we've experienced a lot this year too!

  13. I hope the Spadina gardens don't lose too many perennials with the cold with no snow cover
