Thursday, March 24, 2016

House On A Ravine

There always seems to be an air of mystery about this house to me. I think possibly because you don't see many homes with gates across their driveway here and also because all summer the house is hidden by lots of trees. The back of this house looks over a very deep treed ravine just north of Casa Loma so you can't see it at all from there. Nice gate isn't it?
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. Look at the donut window. I wonder what is on the other side.

  2. A very unusual secluded home but the gates are very well done.

  3. That is a very nice gate and I love the house. I like that rather unusual round window.

  4. That circular window is what really catches my attention.

  5. It would be a nice set for a movie, maybe a thriller...

  6. That is one gorgeous gate! I like the idea of looking out over a deep ravine.

  7. That's a nice-looking place, but is a bit scary! I wonder what goes on behind that fence and those closed doors? Hmmm...

  8. Yep, thought about that again as I passed a security gate closing just an hour or so ago.

  9. Love the gate. It does look mysterious, doesn't it?

  10. beautiful ornate gte to this house. Have a HAPPY EASTER.

  11. That is a great gate, I love ornate gates like that. Also I think the round window in the house is cool looking.

  12. A very ornate gate and fancy looking house!

  13. Very fine gate! Looks like a home that was built to impress.

  14. Everything about this place is wonderful from the gate to the house and all the landscaping about it. It does hold a bit of mystery as well, just more to enjoy about it!

  15. Home owners who prefer a discreet lifestyle Pat :)

  16. Nice looking ornate gate and love those round windows.

  17. It is grand and the gate is nice, but it doesn't have a comfy or inviting feel to it. How about if I look for another house up there?
